All competitors when mounted must wear a skull cap or hat and safety harness according to the current approved BSI or European Standard at all times.
All RIDERS in BSPS Working Hunter Pony classes and in the Collecting Ring are required to wear a body protector.
Junior competitors MUST have an Adult with them when they are practice jumping in the collecting ring.
No refunds or cancellation of entry fees permitted.
Dogs should be kept on leads at all times.
Horses and Ponies must be attended at all times when tied to the outside of a lorry or trailer.
The organising committee accept no responsibility whatsoever for any loss, injury or damage to any person or their property whilst on the showground, car parks or approaches.
Only horses & ponies entered at the show may be ridden on the show ground.
No lorries or trailers to be cleaned out on the show ground
The Society, its Officers or Servants, shall not be responsible for any accident, damage or loss, however caused, that may occur to any exhibitor or his servant, or, to any animal, article, or property brought into the Showground, or, while entering or leaving or being carried into or out of the said Showground. Each exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may be done to or occasioned by, or arising from any animal, article, or property exhibited or brought onto the Showground by him, he shall indemnify and hold harmless the Society from and against actions, suits, expenses and claims on account of or in respect of any such damage or injury which may be caused or occasioned. It is therefore recommended that exhibitors insure against fire and such liabilities as the exhibitor May occur under the Show’s Regulations.